Monday was another whirlwind day, but thankfully I didn't have to do another pair of boots. Tarsus and I skipped our morning breakfast as I had a Victory brunch to attend instead. This was really a thank you brunch to the executive staff for all their hard work over the weekend, and the winners were also invited so folks could meet them without everyone running around doing things.
After some very tasty food we were taken down to the vendor area for a press conference. Well, I say press conference, but really it was a photo op. Prior years had the winners bombarded with the same questions over and over about what they would be doing now that they won, or what their platform was, etc. So instead we took pictures. This was great as I was able to take a good class photo and meet up with all the bootblacks again.
Then we were released into the wild again - at least for a few hours. It was time to finally shop. I spent most of my tips as I was running around the vendor area picking up items I really wanted, and some I liked. It felt like one of those game shows where you had to stuff a shopping cart with everything you could in 60 seconds. I did manage to get a new vest which fit my new patch perfectly, no chaps unfortunately, but plenty of jocks.
One short nap and a soak in a tub later and it was off to have dinner with Chuck Renslow and family. It was a nice relaxed atmosphere and we were able to sit and chat with each other without lots of other people around. We had a great dinner and some good conversations. I was mostly trying to get to know Woody as we would be working together during the year. And then we had cake, but really it was a landscape in a ball. It was delicious, and yes we had seconds.
And even after that was over, there was one final party to attend - the Black and Blue party at Excalibur. We had an area all to ourselves, and somehow Woody and I had psychically decided to wear military colours. This was a good sign. We were introduced again on a much smaller stage at the club, in which we were also supposed to dance again for a song. Thankfully I know how to do this, and this time it wasn't a surprise. After more drinking and socialising, it was time for bed.
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